So, you want to start intuitive eating? Great! This approach to nutrition can be incredibly beneficial, both physically and mentally. However, there are a few things you should know before you get started. In this blog post, we’ll cover what intuitive eating is, the benefits of this approach, and a few things to keep in mind as you start on your journey. Let’s get started!
Intuitive Eating Defined
Intuitive eating is an approach to nutrition that discourages strict dieting and instead encourages people to listen to their bodies’ hunger cues. This means eating when you’re actually hungry, not when it’s “time to eat” or because you’re bored/stressed/etc.
It also means being mindful of your food choices and stopping when you’re full. This is in contrast to dieting, which often involves eating less than you want or need, and/or restricting certain foods.
The Benefits of Intuitive Eating
There are many benefits associated with intuitive eating. First and foremost, it can help reduce stress and anxiety around food. When you’re not constantly worrying about what you can or can’t eat, it frees up mental space for other things.
Intuitive eating can also help improve your relationship with food and your body. Rather than seeing food as “good” or “bad,” you’ll start to see it as nourishment—something that fuels and supports your body.
Finally, intuitive eating has been shown to lead to better physical health outcomes. When you’re not depriving yourself of certain foods, you’re likely to have more energy and fewer cravings. This can lead to better overall diet quality and improved physical activity levels.
A Few Things to Keep in Mind
While intuitive eating is a great approach, there are a few things to keep in mind as you start on your journey.
You Can’t Focus on Intuitive Eating and Weight Loss at the Same Time
This is one of the most important things to understand about intuitive eating. It is NOT a diet, nor is it a way to learn how to control your portions to help you lose weight. If you have a goal of weight loss, intuitive eating will not work for you.
You have to be willing to let go of the idea that you need to lose weight. This can be a difficult mindset shift, but it’s necessary if you want to succeed with intuitive eating.
This is Not a Linear Process
Intuitive is not linear, like most things in life. There are ebbs and flows, good days and bad days. One day, you might feel like you have a handle on it and your appetite is getting back to normal, and the next day you feel ravenous and out of control with food. This is all normal and part of the process. Don’t give up! Just keep going and learning.
Trust your body, follow your cravings, and understand that it will all lead you toward a life free of diets and food rules.
You Won’t Feel Out of Control Forever
That feeling of being out of control around certain types of food if you aren’t tracking, won’t last forever. It can cause a lot of fear and anxiety in the beginning, especially if you feel like you have a history of food addiction and overeating. If you are used to restricting food and writing down every single calorie and carb, it feels scary to suddenly let all that go.
But the feeling of being out of control doesn’t last forever. You just have to learn how to follow your body’s cues and trust them to guide you in the right direction.
Your Cravings Will Change
If you’re used to dieting, you might think that you have to fight your cravings forever. But that’s not true! Your cravings will change as you start intuitive eating.
You might find that your cravings for certain foods decrease as you eat more intuitively. Or, you might find that your cravings change completely and you start craving new foods that you never craved before.
Start Slow and Go at Your Own Pace
You don’t have to go “all in” with intuitive eating right away. In fact, it’s probably better if you start slow and ease into it. Start by ditching the diet mentality and food rules. Allow yourself to eat whatever you want, without judgment. This doesn’t mean that you should eat nothing but junk food, but it does mean that you should let go of the idea that some foods are “off limits.”
Once you’re comfortable with that, start listening to your body cues and honoring your hunger. Eat when you’re hungry, and stop when you’re full. This might be a difficult thing to do at first, but it will get easier with time.
Finding a Good Support System is Crucial
Intuitive eating is not easy, and it’s not something that you can learn overnight. If you find that you’re struggling, don’t be afraid to seek help from a registered dietitian or therapist who specializes in intuitive eating. They can help you understand the concepts better and give you the tools you need to succeed.
You can also find support from online intuitive eating communities. These can be a great way to connect with others who are on the same journey as you, and who can offer advice and support.
The Bottom Line
Intuitive eating is a non-diet approach to eating that is based on the principle of honoring your hunger and listening to your body cues. It can be a difficult journey, but it’s one that can lead to a more peaceful relationship with food.
If you’re struggling, seek help from a registered dietitian or therapist who specializes in intuitive eating. You can also find support from online intuitive eating communities. Intuitive eating is a journey and one that is worth taking.
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